Darling Dust Bunnies -
This 'DavidDust In Exile' thing is making me a little crazy. Prior to yesterday's "lockout", I feel like my blog was gaining readership, gathering momentum and was on a roll. I was interacting with some of the people I blogged about - and even had some feelers out for more interviews. I just got a fancy new header, and in exactly three weeks, it will be my (and OUR) 1 year blogiversary. I love this blog ALMOST as much as I love Arby's, and I feel like this lockout situation has stopped all the momentum I was building.
I have been all over the Internet today trying to find out as much information as I could. First of all, I purchased http://www.daviddust.com/. I have been meaning to do that for a while now, and this situation finally prompted me to act. But because I am computer-challenged, the idea of actually setting up my very own website scares the bejeebus outta me. Even with Kitty's pledge of help.
The second thing I did was figure out how to import my ENTIRE blog onto WordPress. At http://daviddust.wordpress.com/, you will find my 1,200+ posts and your 5,700+ comments, all intact. I can update, post, and do everything I could over at Blogspot. At the very least, this is an excellent backup in case of a Blogger crash or a permanent deletion of my blog.
So my question to you all is this - what should I do now? Should I continue to blog here at GailsFunbags while I wait for Blogger to let me back into DavidDust - or should I just move over to WordPress altogether (but I want MY HEADER!!!!)? If I DO change over to WordPress, how can I redirect my Blogspot URL to WordPress (I know it can be done, but it looks confusing - and I'm scared I'll screw shit up). And what should I do with http://www.daviddust.com/?
Any and all advice is welcome, because I'm feeling somewhat overwhelmed by it all. Please let me know what you think, either in the comments or via email at daviddust.gmail.com
Thank you, my dumplings - and have a great weekend.
Holla! (sorry, I can't help it)
Holla! Don't bother with Wordpress. Find someone who knows what they are doing and set up your own site. Surely there is a Dust Bunny out there who could help. Owning your domain will make you that much more attractive to potential advertisers.
I'm curious about the number of blog sites blocked. Is this a mass raid or something? What the heck are they looking for? I don't know, this just seems off. Of course, I am a little paranoid.
I wonder if they look at a traffic threshold and then do a review? I don't get that much traffic so I'm hoping the Blogspot Nazis don't come after me.
Don't know anything about Wordpress so I can't comment on that.
Why don't you figure out how to redirect from Blogspot to daviddust.com?
I've had my blog since 2002 and haven't had this happen but don't have much traffic. I know some other people with blogs who have high traffic this hasn't happened to, though, so I don't understand, either.
But something must be done!
I still cannot get on my own blog! Can you get there? I know how you feel and am just lost not being able to get there.
Blogger had this on Blogger Buzz where the Dashboard is.
August 1, 2008 —
While we wish that every post on this blog could be about cool features or other Blogger news, sometimes we have to step in and admit a mistake.
We've noticed that a number of users have had their blogs mistakenly marked as spam, and wanted to sound off real quick to let you know that, despite it being Friday afternoon, we are working hard to sort this out. So to those folks who have received an email saying that your blog has been classified as spam and can't post right now, we offer our sincere apologies for the trouble.
We hope to have this resolved shortly, and appreciate your patience as we work through the kinks.
— Brett
wow....zombie is blocked, Joy is blocked...I can't get to either one of their blogs either! WTH?
I don't know anything about domains and wordpress and setting up your own wen page...but ask me about Brad and Angie and I'm FULL of info! ;)
I hope this gets resolves quickly...if there really was a mistake on Bloggers part, then they should get to work FAST and fix it.
love you Tranny. Hang in there
Holla (I KNOW I didn't just type that! I will NOT give Tango the satisfaction! )
I STILL can't get to my blog, and from what Beth said, no one else can, either. I can't stand it. Blogger, you got some 'splainin' to do! (or we're leaving!)
Beth! Bad girl! Don't give Tango any props!
OK, now I can get on my blog again. What about you? Has Blogger fixed it yet?
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