Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm Not The Only One

This "Spam" block has happened to "thousands of bloggers" - according to Joe.My.God - who is ALSO locked out of his blog.

Joe has one of the most popular gay blogs in the nation - if HE is locked out with "thousands" of others, how long will it take to "review" all of these sites?!?

This is bullshit. I purchased a domain name today, and even though I know NOTHING about how to do this, I hope to eventually be blogging at Thanks to Kitty for the referral.


Marker said...

TOTAL bullshit.

Way to kill a business.

Mark in DE said...

Sounds like a total bullshit answer.

Mark :-)

Angel said...

get your dirty fork ready, cuz I think someone needs a poking!!!

at least you have Gail's boobies to fall back on....I know how much you love boobies!!!

at least we can still stay in touch...I'm lost without you!

Mistress Maddie said...

I don't know a dam thing about all this.I do know however about a queen in exile!!! What is the reasoning behind checking all the blogs?Is this a George W Bush thing?

Joy said...

I didn't know they did this. It's crazy.

I'm so glad you had Gail's boobies to fall back on, too! We can't go on without you.

Queen in Exile is priceless!

Jimbo said...

It's a Dirty Fork revolution! I'm ready with mine, just say the word.

Though, it is nice to visit Gail's Funbags again. I have missed them, too.